Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I Did It!

(You have to say the title like the boss from Mr. Mom when he wins the race - I couldn't find the clip but check this one out here. It's a funnier clip anyway.)

Anyway, back to the post at hand. I totally ran a half marathon. And I mean ran - not run some, walk some then run some more - I mean I ran the whole thing.I was so amazed that I was able to accomplish this feat. It all started back in September when my sister MBD asked me to run a 5k with her and our other sister on Thanksgiving in Arizona. I was not a runner but I decided I was up for the challenge. I began using the Couch to 5k program and man, that first day of alternating walking 90 seconds and running 60 seconds, I thought I was going to die. I ran my first 5k on Thanksgiving Day 2010. I think my time was just under 50 minutes. So I use the term "running" very loosely. Well, I continued my running with the Bridge to 10k program. I never officially made it to the end of that program. When I got to running about 5 1/2 miles at a stretch, my knee started bothering me. I went to the doctor and he told me that it was nothing major, just some weak thigh muscles. I could still run as long as I could stand the pain.

I continued to run 2-3 miles 3 times a week. I started officially training for the half marathon in March. Things were going really well. I had increased my running speed to about a 12 minute mile. So I was pretty excited. But the excitement didn't last long. On my 7-mile run week, I was going to map out a run outside but it was still pretty chilly in the mornings and I figured I would just run on the track at the gym. The track at the gym is pretty small - we're talking 9 laps to a mile. So 7 miles is 63 laps. That's a lot of laps. And a lot of turning on the side of your foot. The next day my foot was hurting pretty bad. I decided to ice it and rest it that week so as not to create any major problems. By the end of the week my foot was feeling better but my body decide it was a good time to get sick. Boo. So for the next 4 weeks - yes, I said 4 - I was sick. No energy to make it through the day sometimes, let alone exercise. After a week and a half, I was prescribed an inhaler and that loosened everything up in my chest a little too much and another cold started. Another week after that I had to start training again. I did what I could and tried not to over do it.

A week before the actual race, while still sick, I decided that I had to go for a long run as a trial to see if my body was going to be even close to handling this. I mapped out about a 7 mile run and decided that I would walk when I needed to, bring my inhaler and my phone in case I need a ride home. I ran and ran and ran some more and felt great. I ended up running 8.34 miles that day. The next week I took it easy again.

The day of the race came. Tim got home from work and we headed down to Provo. Tim stayed at a hotel with the boys and I stayed at another hotel with two of my sisters and one of my brothers that were running as well. Lights went out at about 10pm but I don't think I fell asleep for at least another hour and then was up off and on until the alarm went off at 2:45am. Yup, that early. We had to get picked up by the bus at 3:30am so we would be all ready for the 6:00am start time. Crazy.

On the bus at like 3 freaking 45 am. Way too early of a start time if you ask me. But I guess you get done sooner then - still not fun.
Waiting for the race to start. Upper photo - brother James, sisters MaryBeth, Sarah, me, Katharine, brother-in-law Greg, nephew Hayden. Lower phote - just the siblings.
At the starting line. The sun finally came up!
Still feeling pretty good while running. Wahoo!

So I started running and I kept running all the way to the end. Sometimes I was definitely running super slow, but it was running. Towards the end, my feet were hurting so bad and I just wanted to walk. But I had come so far that I pushed through with every last bit of energy I could muster. The volunteers and people cheering were great throughout but especially the last mile - lots of words of encouragement for everyone.
Sprinting to the end with every last bit of energy.

So, with an official time of 3:01:09, I ran my first, and quite possibly my last, half marathon. It was an experience I would never trade and will never forget.My sister MaryBeth - she totally rocked it out. With a heel spur and everything she finished!
My sister Sarah who got roped into this thing and is now hooked on running.
Bill O'Rielly. Just kidding, my brother-in-law Greg, who is going to start training for a full marathon - crazy.
My brother James who did amazing. He left us all in the dust.
My sister Katharine who started us all on this running thing. I don't know whether to thank her or kill her.
My nephew Hayden - best action photo of the bunch - good job Tim.


Winter Redd said...

Freaking awesome! Wahoo!

Erica said...

Awesome job!!!!!! What you described was exactly how I felt after running my first 5K. I'm so impressed you did a half marathon! I'm still enjoying running, but I don't think I'm up to that far. LOL You go girl! By the pictures! :)

My Name's Sarah said...

Yay! I can't believe you couldn't find the, "I did it!" Mr. Mom clip! Hmm.

Anita said...

Way to go!!