Thursday, October 14, 2010

These Kids Need a Bucket of Chicken

Every year in honor of Pioneer Day, Bountiful has a parade on the 23rd of July. It's kind of the trial run for the Days of '47 Parade in Salt Lake on the 24th. We go every year. Benjamin wasn't sure what to expect. He must have slept through the parade last year, but not this one.

Here he is just chillin', wondering what the heck we're doing sitting on the side of the road.

And then the parade started. Screams of terror when ever a band, fire truck, police brigade or anything else loud passed by.

He gave up by the end and just chilled until it was over. I hope we haven't traumatized him for life.
Here's the KFC float. We always have to clap real loud for this float and take a picture. Growing up we used to have our family vacations to Utah. My Grandpa Dixon, without fail, would say to my mom, "These kids need a bucket of chicken!" and then head off to KFC to pick up said bucket. Many summer memories were made with our grandparents around a bucket of chicken. Thanks Grandpa!

Here's a video of the crying boy in action. Sorry, Benj, sometimes I need to get a video instead of comforting you.


My Name's Sarah said...

Mmmm... bucket of chicken.

Mom said...

You made me cry. Thanks for posting. I love my Dad!